GWHEN - Gravitational Waves &
High Energy Neutrinos
the origin of Cosmic Rays through correlations of GW and
Many of the violent
phenomena observed in our Universe are potential emitters
of Gravitational Waves (GW) and High Energy Neutrinos
(HEN), for instance the merger of binary systems (neutron
stars and/or black holes) or the collapse of massive
stars. The merger and collapse are accompanied by GW
emissions. In both cases, a relativistic outflow may
emerge in which hadronic cosmic rays may be accelerated,
hence producing HEN. In addition, depending on the
quantity of ejected matter, a GW signal can be emitted
during the acceleration of the matter, a signal coincident
with the HEN emission. See the figure below for the
processes at work (left, taken from this page).
The map displayed below (right) shows the location of the
instruments used to detect GW and HEN = the GW
interferometers Virgo (in Italy), and LIGO (in the USA),
and ANTARES (to be dismantled in 2021) and the KM3NeT
telescopes (ORCA and ARCA) under deployment in Europe, and
IceCube in operation in Antarctica (USA).
for correlations between GW and HEN signals have multiple
interests, both for GW and HEN detectors :
- a GW signal in the
same direction as and correlated in time with a
candidate HEN validates the cosmic origin of the HEN
- this is particularly important as cosmic HEN are
"hidden" by atmospheric neutrinos (with exactly the same
signatures, apart from their energy) ;
- a HEN candidate correlated
in space with a GW signal (i.e. located in the 90%
confidence region of the GW skymap, which can cover
several 100 deg2) can help to discover a
possible electromagnetic (EM) counterpart of
the GW signal - hence can confirm the
astrophysical origin of the signal in case of low
significance. Such wide search areas are very long to
cover by telescopes, even when mutlple telescopes are
In addition, after the
binary neutron star merger GW170817
which revealed the connection between GW and EM emissions,
and the blazar TXS0506+056,
which is probably the first HEN+EM emitter ever detected,
the GW+HEN connection is still to be established. Such a
connection would allow to study the intimate link between fusion/collapse
/ejection processes, observed through their GW
emissions, and ejection/launching of
relativistic outflows, revealed through the HEN
produced. This is a decisive step towards the understanding
of the origin of Cosmic Rays.

The timeline below
shows the important milestones in the development of GW,
HEN, and GWHEN astronomy, from 2007 in the past up to 2036
in the future. The completion dates of the KM3NeT
telescopes are tentative.
Several GWHEN analyses have
been performed since the initial proposal in 2008 :
- Pre-discovery era :
GWHEN-1 (published, 2007-08 data), GWHEN-2
(unpublished, 2009-10 data) - searches for
correlations between samples of GW and HEN ;
- Since the discovery
of GW :
- O1 (2015-16) :
offline HEN follow-up of individual GW signals ;
subthreshold analyses.
- O2 (2016-27) :
online/offline HEN follow-up of individual GW
signals ; counterparts of catalogued BBH signals ;
subthreshold analyses (combined with O3 data)
- O3 (2019-20) : automated
online/offline HEN follow-up of GW signals ;
stacking of O3a population BBH signals ; subthreshold
analyses (combined with O2 data)
- O4 (ongoing, since 2023)
: Online followup with KM3NeT, preparation
of subthreshold analysis.
There are other important
consequences to such GW+HEN correlations, apart from the
understanding of the origin of Cosmic Rays :
- Cosmology - the HEN
counterpart can help discovering the EM counterpart,
and hence the measurement of its redshift. Given
existing models, it can also help identifying the
galaxy host of the GW signal. In case of a Standard
Siren, GWHEN thus facilitates the measurement of the
Hubble Constant using GW signals.
- Quantum Gravity -
measuring the delay between GW and HEN signals
can constrain the Quantum Gravity energy scale.
- Neutrino masses -
again, using core-collapse supernovae, measuring the
delay between the GW burst and the emitted MeV-GeV
neutrinos yields information on the absolute mass
scale of neutrinos.